Error compiling ACollidingPawn, because the prefix A is missing

I just copy pasted the code from “Components And Collision” and I got this strange message.
Certainly ACollidingPawn does have a prefix A.

[2015.04.01-19.05.34:032][768]CompilerResultsLog:Error: Error LogCompile: /home/ratballnix/Documents/Unreal Projects/HowTo_Components/Source/HowTo_Components/HowTo_ComponentsGameMode.h(8) : Error: Invalid class name ‘ACollidingPawn’. The class name must match the name of the class header file it is contained in (‘HowTo_ComponentsGameMode’), with an appropriate prefix added (A for Actors, U for other classes)
[2015.04.01-19.05.34:032][768]CompilerResultsLog:Error: Error /home/ratballnix/Documents/Unreal Projects/HowTo_Components/Source/HowTo_Components/HowTo_ComponentsGameMode.h(8) : Error: Invalid class name ‘ACollidingPawn’. The class name must match the name of the class header file it is contained in (‘HowTo_ComponentsGameMode’), with an appropriate prefix added (A for Actors, U for other classes)
[2015.04.01-19.05.34:032][768]CompilerResultsLog: Info
[2015.04.01-19.05.34:032][768]CompilerResultsLog:Error: Error Error: Failed to generate code for HowTo_ComponentsEditor - error code: OtherCompilationError (5)

I am using Linux Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64bit and KDevelop

I am using version 4.7.4
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64bit

The error tells it all :

“HowTo_ComponentsGameMode.h(8) : Error: Invalid class name ‘ACollidingPawn’. The class name must match the name of the class header file it is contained in”

Your header file is named HowTo_ComponentsGameMode.h, accordingly, your class name should be AHowTo_ComponentsGameMode or UHowTo_ComponentsGameMode depending on if it herits from AActor or UObject. In your case it’s probably a Pawn, so AHowTo_ComponentsGameMode.

I’m guessing you don’t want your file to be called HowTo_ComponentsGameMode.h however, so you might want to change that instead…