Error Code: E1696


Today, when I created a new C++ class, my Visual Studio 2019 give 13359 errors, and i don’t know what is the problem. So thats a new C++ class and the compile is succesfully, but i don’t think thats a good thing. My question is: How can I fix this issue?

I have the same problem bro! I just create a PlayerController class and the same errors. I hope someone can answer this. Thanks for posting it

I have a similar problem
E1696 with a list of files just like yours.
I hope someone can address this issue

Go to the UE4Editor and click File/Refresh Visual Studio Project works for me.

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Same problem!!! But I still do not know how to solve it… I search this error code on stackoverflow, google, bing, msdn and find nothing helpful. :frowning: