Been trying to install epic games launcher for the past 2 hours and keep getting error 2503 and can’t install. I’ve been troubleshooting it for the several hours and every online solution I try does not work because they are 7&8 solutions and none of them work for windows 10.
CMD does not work,
admin permission does not work,
explorer permission does not work,
and many more I’ve been trying left and right just won’t work.
Hi kinglonewolf,
I apologize for the delayed response. Could you please send us some information so that we can look into your issue?
Please follow the steps here to get your installer logs. In addition, please follow the steps here to get your dxdiag as well.
I’ve been getting help from support but they hit a dead end
request (7954) is my ticket number from emails.
I’ve tried pulling installer logs and they will not pull. Here is my DxDloglink text
I’ve tried every possible troubleshooting method out there and non have worked. I’m running windows 10 and everything points back to two things.
- I keep downloading a corrupted file and I know this because I can’t even open the installer by means of WinRAR or any form of RAR to extract anything.
- everywhere I look people say the launcher has no Windows 10 support yet and installing it or porting it from 8 is hit or miss.
every work around I’ve tried are 7/8 solitions which don’t work on windows 10.
Hi kinglonewolf,
If you believe you are downloading a corrupt file, please try downloading it again. Are you attempting to install the engine into a directory other than the defaults provided? If so, do you have read/write/admin access to that directory? If not, do you have read/write/admin access to your programs directory?
I apologize if this is redundant, I’m just wanting to make sure we cover all the standard issues.
I’ve downloaded it 5+ times across 3 different browsers. I have tried downloading it in 5 locations from default, different drive, and desktop. And i am the owner of the pc and have full access, any forced admin permissions i Try fail.
Hi kinglonewolf,
Thank you for the information. I’m sorry to hear that you’re still having trouble. 2503 is generally a permissions issue. Could you very that you have tried the following:
From the command prompt run:
msiexec /unreg
msiexec /regserver
After running these two commands, try to run the installer again.
If this does not work, can you please open your explorer and check the security permission on your C: drive (or whatever drive you are installing the launcher to). Under the Properties → Security tab verify that Administrator has full permissions to the drive.
Are you getting an error when you attempt to pull the install logs when following these steps?link text If you, please reply back with the error and a screenshot if possible.
that command prompt did not work.
my drive has full permissions and I am the admin.

Hi Kinglonewolf,
Ah, based on your screenshot, you’ve been leaving off the “.msi” extension. Omitting the extension will result in the error you are seeing. If you are trying to install via command line, please try again with the extension added. If that still does not work, please run the command to generate the logs again with the extension added. then post your results.
Failed again but when I ran again to get logs it went through and installed.
here are the logs to look overlink text
Hi Kinglonewolf,
Just so it’s clear, the launcher has installed successfully on your machine? According to your logs that appears to be the case.
At first it failed but when i ran again for the log it went through just fine. No idea why.