error building Fmod banks

Hi, we have an error trying to build Fmod banks in UE4.8.3.
The problem occurs when importing the project to other computer (both importing a built already made and making a new one).
UE4 reload banks without problem, but all the content is empty.
The problem occurs with UE4.8.3a and Fmod 1.06.08.
Any help will be great.

this is the problem

this should be

[fmod forum with the same issue][3]


The problem has been solved with the update of Unreal 4.9.1 and Fmod 1.06.10

In EU 4.15.1 and Fmod 1.09.04 this error is repeated, I have not been able to find a solution. Events are displayed in the editor but do not appear in windows folders