Error Build Project

Hi Unreal Engine expert,

I tried to build a project, and after waiting for 30 minutes, it is failed. It says something like this on the log

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogDataTable: Error: Missing RowStruct while emptying DataTable ‘None.None’!
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogShaderCompilers: Display: ================================================
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogShaderCompilers: Display: === FShaderJobCache stats ===
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogShaderCompilers: Display: Total job queries 23144, among them cache hits 43 (0.19%)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogShaderCompilers: Display: Tracking 21955 distinct input hashes that result in 11464 distinct outputs (52.22%)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogShaderCompilers: Display: RAM used: 60.28 MB (0.06 GB) of 1638.40 MB (1.60 GB) budget. Usage: 3.68%
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogShaderCompilers: Display: === Shader Compilation stats ===
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogShaderCompilers: Display: Shaders Compiled: 23125
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogShaderCompilers: Display: Jobs assigned 21955, completed 21955 (100.00%)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogShaderCompilers: Display: Average time worker was idle: 0.07 s
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogShaderCompilers: Display: Time job spent in pending queue: average 546.95 s, longest 2042.03 s
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogShaderCompilers: Display: Job execution time: average 13.91 s, max 221.80 s
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogShaderCompilers: Display: Job life time (pending + execution): average 560.86 s, max 2043.15
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogShaderCompilers: Display: Time at least one job was in flight (either pending or executed): 2536.68 s
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogShaderCompilers: Display: Jobs were issued in 2250 batches (only local compilation was used), average 9.76 jobs/batch
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogShaderCompilers: Display: Average processing rate: 8.65 jobs/sec
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogShaderCompilers: Display: Effective parallelization: 11.59 (times faster than compiling all shaders on one thread). Compare with number of workers: 12
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogShaderCompilers: Display: Top 5 most expensive shader types by average time:
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogShaderCompilers: Display: FClusteredShadingPS (compiled 4 times, average 88.51 sec, max 214.51 sec, min 2.90 sec)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogShaderCompilers: Display: FShadingFurnaceTestPassPS (compiled 1 times, average 34.51 sec, max 34.51 sec, min 34.51 sec)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogShaderCompilers: Display: FTranscodePageToGPU_CS (compiled 1 times, average 23.39 sec, max 23.39 sec, min 23.39 sec)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogShaderCompilers: Display: FVisualizeHDRPS (compiled 1 times, average 15.98 sec, max 15.98 sec, min 15.98 sec)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogShaderCompilers: Display: FRenderVolumetricCloudRenderViewCS (compiled 32 times, average 14.64 sec, max 27.47 sec, min 3.04 sec)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogShaderCompilers: Display: Top 5 shader types by total compile time:
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogShaderCompilers: Display: TBasePassPSFCachedPointIndirectLightingPolicySkylight - 3.37% of total time (compiled 501 times, average 1.98 sec, max 15.76 sec, min 0.79 sec)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogShaderCompilers: Display: TBasePassPSFPrecomputedVolumetricLightmapLightingPolicySkylight - 3.35% of total time (compiled 501 times, average 1.97 sec, max 18.73 sec, min 0.78 sec)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogShaderCompilers: Display: TBasePassPSFNoLightMapPolicySkylight - 3.23% of total time (compiled 541 times, average 1.76 sec, max 16.46 sec, min 0.58 sec)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogShaderCompilers: Display: TBasePassPSFCachedPointIndirectLightingPolicy - 3.17% of total time (compiled 501 times, average 1.86 sec, max 16.69 sec, min 0.77 sec)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogShaderCompilers: Display: TBasePassPSFPrecomputedVolumetricLightmapLightingPolicy - 3.13% of total time (compiled 501 times, average 1.84 sec, max 17.85 sec, min 0.71 sec)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogShaderCompilers: Display: ================================================
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Took 2552.8036077s to run UnrealEditor-Cmd.exe, ExitCode=1
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): ERROR: Cook failed.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): (see C:\Users\KTM Innovation\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\F+UE_5.0\Log.txt for full exception trace)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): AutomationTool executed for 0h 42m 35s
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=25 (Error_UnknownCookFailure)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): BUILD FAILED
PackagingResults: Error: Unknown Cook Failure

What should I edit? :thinking: This was my first time building the project.

This is the full log. I tried to build the Ancient Level to a new exe but it keeps failing.

LogPlayLevel: Error: LogInit: Display: LogDataTable: Error: Missing RowStruct while emptying DataTable ‘/Game/AncientContent/Characters/Echo/Data/DT_EchoAttributeDefaults.DT_EchoAttributeDefaults’!
LogPlayLevel: Error: LogInit: Display: LogDataTable: Error: Missing RowStruct while loading DataTable ‘/Game/AncientContent/Characters/Echo/Data/DT_EchoAttributeDefaults.DT_EchoAttributeDefaults’!
LogPlayLevel: Error: LogInit: Display: LogDataTable: Error: Missing RowStruct while saving DataTable ‘/Game/AncientContent/Characters/Echo/Data/DT_EchoAttributeDefaults.DT_EchoAttributeDefaults’!
LogPlayLevel: Error: LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Error: ProxyFactoryClass null in K2Node_AsyncAction /Game/AncientContent/Blueprints/UI/UI_PlayerUI.UI_PlayerUI:EventGraph.K2Node_AsyncAction_1. Was a class deleted or saved on a non promoted build?
LogPlayLevel: Error: LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Error: ProxyFactoryClass null in K2Node_AsyncAction /Game/AncientContent/Blueprints/UI/UI_PlayerUI.UI_PlayerUI:EventGraph.K2Node_AsyncAction_2. Was a class deleted or saved on a non promoted build?
LogPlayLevel: Error: LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] F:\Environment_02\Environment_02\Content\AncientContent\Blueprints\UI\UI_PlayerUI.uasset: [Compiler] BaseAsyncTask: Missing function WaitGameplayTagRemoveFromActor from class Unknown Class for async task Async Task: Missing Function from Source: /Game/AncientContent/Blueprints/UI/UI_PlayerUI.UI_PlayerUI
LogPlayLevel: Error: LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] F:\Environment_02\Environment_02\Content\AncientContent\Blueprints\UI\UI_PlayerUI.uasset: [Compiler] BaseAsyncTask: Missing function WaitGameplayTagAddToActor from class Unknown Class for async task Async Task: Missing Function from Source: /Game/AncientContent/Blueprints/UI/UI_PlayerUI.UI_PlayerUI
LogPlayLevel: Error: LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] F:\Environment_02\Environment_02\Content\AncientContent\Blueprints\UI\UI_PlayerUI.uasset: [Compiler] In use pin Target Actor no longer exists on node Async Task: Missing Function . Please refresh node or break links to remove pin. from Source: /Game/AncientContent/Blueprints/UI/UI_PlayerUI.UI_PlayerUI
LogPlayLevel: Error: LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] F:\Environment_02\Environment_02\Content\AncientContent\Blueprints\UI\UI_PlayerUI.uasset: [Compiler] Could not find a function named “WaitGameplayTagRemoveFromActor” in ‘UI_PlayerUI’.
LogPlayLevel: Make sure ‘UI_PlayerUI’ has been compiled for Async Task: Missing Function from Source: /Game/AncientContent/Blueprints/UI/UI_PlayerUI.UI_PlayerUI
LogPlayLevel: Error: LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] F:\Environment_02\Environment_02\Content\AncientContent\Blueprints\UI\UI_PlayerUI.uasset: [Compiler] Could not find a function named “WaitGameplayTagAddToActor” in ‘UI_PlayerUI’.
LogPlayLevel: Make sure ‘UI_PlayerUI’ has been compiled for Async Task: Missing Function from Source: /Game/AncientContent/Blueprints/UI/UI_PlayerUI.UI_PlayerUI
LogPlayLevel: Error: LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] F:\Environment_02\Environment_02\Content\AncientContent\Blueprints\UI\UI_PlayerUI.uasset: [Compiler] Unexpected node type K2Node_AsyncAction encountered at Async Task: Missing Function from Source: /Game/AncientContent/Blueprints/UI/UI_PlayerUI.UI_PlayerUI
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogPackageName: Warning: DoesPackageExist called on PackageName that will always return false. Reason: Input ‘/AudioModulation/Volume’ is not a child of an existing mount point.
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: Asset ‘/Game/MSPresets/MSTextures/Albedo’ has been saved with empty engine version. The asset will be loaded but may be incompatible.
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: Asset ‘/Game/MSPresets/MSTextures/Normal’ has been saved with empty engine version. The asset will be loaded but may be incompatible.
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: Asset ‘/Game/MSPresets/MSTextures/Roughness’ has been saved with empty engine version. The asset will be loaded but may be incompatible.
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: [AssetLog] F:\Environment_02\Environment_02\Content\Meshes\Mesh_Light_05.uasset: Failed to load ‘/Game/NorthLightSet/Materials/M_Cloth_Lid’: Can’t find file.
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: VerifyImport: Failed to load package for import object ‘Package /Game/NorthLightSet/Materials/M_Cloth_Lid’
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: [AssetLog] F:\Environment_02\Environment_02\Content\Meshes\Mesh_Light_05.uasset: Failed to load ‘/Game/NorthLightSet/Materials/M_ClothDark’: Can’t find file.
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: VerifyImport: Failed to load package for import object ‘Package /Game/NorthLightSet/Materials/M_ClothDark’
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: [AssetLog] F:\Environment_02\Environment_02\Content\Meshes\Mesh_Light_05.uasset: Failed to load ‘/Game/NorthLightSet/Materials/M_Metal’: Can’t find file.
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: VerifyImport: Failed to load package for import object ‘Package /Game/NorthLightSet/Materials/M_Metal’
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: VerifyImport: Failed to find script package for import object ‘Package /Script/AncientGame’
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: CreateExport: Failed to load Parent for BlueprintGeneratedClass /Game/AncientContent/Blueprints/Camera/BP_ThirdPersonCameraMode.BP_ThirdPersonCameraMode_C
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: Unable to load Default__BP_ThirdPersonCameraMode_C with outer Package /Game/AncientContent/Blueprints/Camera/BP_ThirdPersonCameraMode because its class (BP_ThirdPersonCameraMode_C) does not exist
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Warning: FMemberReference::ResolveMember (GetPivotLocation) bSelfContext == true, but no scope supplied!
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Warning: FMemberReference::ResolveMember (GetSpringArmOffset) bSelfContext == true, but no scope supplied!
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Warning: FMemberReference::ResolveMember (GetPivotRotation) bSelfContext == true, but no scope supplied!
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Warning: FMemberReference::ResolveMember (GetSpringArmLength) bSelfContext == true, but no scope supplied!
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: VerifyImport: Failed to find script package for import object ‘Package /Script/GameplayAbilities’
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: VerifyImport: Failed to find script package for import object ‘Package /Script/EnhancedInput’
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: Unable to load IA_LookUp with outer Package /Game/AncientContent/Input/IA_LookUp because its class (InputAction) does not exist
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: Unable to load IA_LookUpAtRate with outer Package /Game/AncientContent/Input/IA_LookUpAtRate because its class (InputAction) does not exist
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: Unable to load IA_MoveForward with outer Package /Game/AncientContent/Input/IA_MoveForward because its class (InputAction) does not exist
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: Unable to load IA_MoveRight with outer Package /Game/AncientContent/Input/IA_MoveRight because its class (InputAction) does not exist
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: Unable to load IA_Turn with outer Package /Game/AncientContent/Input/IA_Turn because its class (InputAction) does not exist
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: Unable to load IA_TurnAtRate with outer Package /Game/AncientContent/Input/IA_TurnAtRate because its class (InputAction) does not exist
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: Unable to load IA_Interact with outer Package /Game/AncientContent/Input/IA_Interact because its class (InputAction) does not exist
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: Unable to load IA_SitStand with outer Package /Game/AncientContent/Input/IA_SitStand because its class (InputAction) does not exist
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: VerifyImport: Failed to find script package for import object ‘Package /Script/AudioModulation’
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: [AssetLog] F:\Environment_02\Environment_02\Content\AncientContent\Audio\AudioModulation\ControlBuses\Echo_ControlBus.uasset: Failed to load ‘/AudioModulation/Volume’: Can’t find file.
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: VerifyImport: Failed to load package for import object ‘Package /AudioModulation/Volume’
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: Unable to load Echo_ControlBus with outer Package /Game/AncientContent/Audio/AudioModulation/ControlBuses/Echo_ControlBus because its class (SoundControlBus) does not exist
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: Unable to load Foley_ControlBus with outer Package /Game/AncientContent/Audio/AudioModulation/ControlBuses/Foley_ControlBus because its class (SoundControlBus) does not exist
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogDatasmithImport: Warning: NewDataprepAsset is from an old version and has been updated. Please save asset to complete update.
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: Unable to load SFX_ControlBus with outer Package /Game/AncientContent/Audio/AudioModulation/ControlBuses/SFX_ControlBus because its class (SoundControlBus) does not exist
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: Unable to load FS_ControlBus with outer Package /Game/AncientContent/Audio/AudioModulation/ControlBuses/FS_ControlBus because its class (SoundControlBus) does not exist
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: Unable to load VOX_ControlBus with outer Package /Game/AncientContent/Audio/AudioModulation/ControlBuses/VOX_ControlBus because its class (SoundControlBus) does not exist
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: CreateExport: Failed to load Parent for BlueprintGeneratedClass /Game/AncientContent/Blueprints/Character/BP_VaultingTriggerComponent.BP_VaultingTriggerComponent_C
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: Unable to load Default__BP_VaultingTriggerComponent_C with outer Package /Game/AncientContent/Blueprints/Character/BP_VaultingTriggerComponent because its class (BP_VaultingTriggerComponent_C) does not exist
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Warning: FMemberReference::ResolveMember (TryToVaultActor) bSelfContext == true, but no scope supplied!
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Warning: FMemberReference::ResolveMember (GetOwner) bSelfContext == true, but no scope supplied!
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogGameplayTags: Warning: [AssetLog] F:\Environment_02\Environment_02\Content\AncientContent\Blueprints\Character\BP_VaultingTriggerComponent.uasset: Invalid GameplayTag AbilityEvent.Character.Locomotion.Vault found in object K2Node_CallFunction_7.
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: CreateExport: Failed to load Parent for BlueprintGeneratedClass /Game/AncientContent/Blueprints/Abilities/GameplayAbilityUtils.GameplayAbilityUtils_C
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: Unable to load Default__GameplayAbilityUtils_C with outer Package /Game/AncientContent/Blueprints/Abilities/GameplayAbilityUtils because its class (GameplayAbilityUtils_C) does not exist
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogBlueprint: Warning: FMemberReference::ResolveMember (GetActorInfo) bSelfContext == true, but no scope supplied!
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: Unable to load IM_ThirdPersonControls_InputMapping with outer Package /Game/AncientContent/Input/IM_ThirdPersonControls_InputMapping because its class (InputMappingContext) does not exist
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: Unable to load InputModifierDeadZone_0 with outer InputMappingContext /Game/AncientContent/Input/IM_ThirdPersonControls_InputMapping.IM_ThirdPersonControls_InputMapping because its class (InputModifierDeadZone) does not exist
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: Unable to load InputModifierDeadZone_1 with outer InputMappingContext /Game/AncientContent/Input/IM_ThirdPersonControls_InputMapping.IM_ThirdPersonControls_InputMapping because its class (InputModifierDeadZone) does not exist
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: Unable to load InputModifierDeadZone_2 with outer InputMappingContext /Game/AncientContent/Input/IM_ThirdPersonControls_InputMapping.IM_ThirdPersonControls_InputMapping because its class (InputModifierDeadZone) does not exist
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: Unable to load InputModifierDeadZone_3 with outer InputMappingContext /Game/AncientContent/Input/IM_ThirdPersonControls_InputMapping.IM_ThirdPersonControls_InputMapping because its class (InputModifierDeadZone) does not exist
LogPlayLevel: Warning: LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Warning: Unable to load InputModifierNegate_0 with outer InputMappingContext /Game/AncientContent/Input/IM_ThirdPersonControls_InputMapping.IM_ThirdPersonControls_InputMapping because its class (InputModifierNegate) does not exist
LogPlayLevel: LogInit: Display: NOTE: Only first 50 warnings displayed.
LogPlayLevel: LogInit: Display:
LogPlayLevel: LogInit: Display: Failure - 30 error(s), 596 warning(s)
LogPlayLevel: LogInit: Display:
LogPlayLevel: Execution of commandlet took: 53.20 seconds
LogPlayLevel: Error: LogDataTable: Error: Missing RowStruct while emptying DataTable ‘None.None’!
LogPlayLevel: LogShaderCompilers: Display: ================================================
LogPlayLevel: LogShaderCompilers: Display: === FShaderJobCache stats ===
LogPlayLevel: LogShaderCompilers: Display: Total job queries 0, among them cache hits 0 (0.00%)
LogPlayLevel: LogShaderCompilers: Display: Tracking 0 distinct input hashes that result in 0 distinct outputs (0.00%)
LogPlayLevel: LogShaderCompilers: Display: RAM used: 0.00 MB (0.00 GB) of 1638.40 MB (1.60 GB) budget. Usage: 0.00%
LogPlayLevel: LogShaderCompilers: Display: === Shader Compilation stats ===
LogPlayLevel: LogShaderCompilers: Display: Shaders Compiled: 0
LogPlayLevel: LogShaderCompilers: Display: Jobs assigned 0, completed 0 (0.00%)
LogPlayLevel: LogShaderCompilers: Display: Time at least one job was in flight (either pending or executed): 0.00 s
LogPlayLevel: LogShaderCompilers: Display: ================================================
LogPlayLevel: LogShaderCompilers: Display: Shaders left to compile 0
LogPlayLevel: Took 62.6522676s to run UnrealEditor-Cmd.exe, ExitCode=1
LogPlayLevel: Error: ERROR: Cook failed.
LogPlayLevel: (see C:\Users\KTM Innovation\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\F+UE_5.0\Log.txt for full exception trace)
LogPlayLevel: AutomationTool executed for 0h 1m 5s
LogPlayLevel: AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=25 (Error_UnknownCookFailure)
LogPlayLevel: Completed Launch On Stage: Cook Task, Time: 62.134185
PackagingResults: Error: Launch failed! Unknown Cook Failure

Found the solution myself, I just delete all the UI and character folder (since I am not using it) then it worked just fine.