Error 0xc000007b

I’ve been trying to get Unreal to work for a couple of days now to no avail. When I try to run EpicGamesLauncher.exe all I get is a popup box with the error 0xc000007b. I have tried the basic stuff like reinstalling, running as administrator, updating/reinstalling directx and mvc and my graphics card driver.

I generated a log using DWalker and replaced ws2_32.dll with a version from the internet (since that was the first error according to DWalker) but it didn’t change anything. I also generated an install log with msiexec, both logs are included in this post.

When I compared my install folder to one of my mates’ (with the same version of Unreal). He had a 64-bit and a 32-bit folder inside Launcher/Portal/Binaries, whereas I only have a 32-bit folder (on a 64-bit system). Most of the DWalker errors seem to be related to 64-bit problems.

I have now built Unreal from the source code but this is not ideal.

Any help is much appreciated.

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Hey Koak,

In order for us to offer the best support, we have recently modified the process for how Epic Games can help troubleshoot your Launcher issue. Please visit for technical support, here you can find information and solutions for common issues, as well as a contact form if you still need additional assistance.

To access the contact form, please use the “Email Us” button under the “Contact Us” section. Thanks!

Have a great day