Erro UModel Viewer x64

I get this error when using UModel:
appMalloc: size = 1049918177
<- Farray :: Empty: 1049918177 x 1
<- Tarray :: SerializeSimple
<- UAnimSequence :: Serialize
<- LoadObject: AnimSequence’CHAR_CyberZero.AnimSequence_3 'pos = 644C8, see = 472/46, game = 8103
<- UObject :: EndLoad <- LoadWholePackage: CHAR_CyberZero <- UIMenuItem :: HandleCommand
  <- UIMenuItem :: HandleCommand
<- CUmodelApp :: WndProc
<- VisualizerLoop
<- Main: umodel_version = 305

It is because I use windows x64 ??

someone can help me?

UModel isn’t Official Epic Software, it was made by a third-party and not affiliated with Epic.

…and it only works with UE3 / UDK games. Sorry to disappoint…