Erro: Cook Failed

Hello, I have a problem that I’m trying to solve when I try to do a build to test my project, the error Cook Failed can someone help me?
this is the log:

its not finding a lot of things, it looks like you need to clean up the project

but these ones, where a “pin” is missing from a bp, these will kill it.
LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] D:\Unreal Engine2.26_Instaler\ProjetosBaixados\FPS mutiplayer\FPS2\Content\FPS\LPSPSample\Core\WBP_LPSP_Display.uasset: [Compiler] In use pin Return Value no longer exists on node Is Holding Key Tutorial . Please refresh node or break links to remove pin. from Source: /Game/FPS/LPSPSample/Core/WBP_LPSP_Display.WBP_LPSP_Display