err:7185 Error Parsing or Executing Commandline

I’ve been batching out some processes of my workflow and I get an error on any of my larger batch files. Error Parsing or Executing Commandline Batch - Unknown error - No overload for command "exportSelectedModel’, takes 2 arguments. - [err:7185]

Does anyone know what that specific error code means? 

I have looked through the batch file and all of my commands have the required arguments, so I’m not sure what is going on. If I were writing these batch files by hand I would assume it was a typo, but these are all written from a python script that reads a csv of model names, then writes a batch file with the same 2-4 commands for each model. The syntax is the exact same for each model in the list, but for some reason, if I feed it more than around 40 models in the list I get the above error, but simply breaking the batch file in half manually or automated with a shorter list and everything works as expected. Is it possible there is a limit to the number of commands CLI can take at a time?

I would be happy to post the python script if anyone else would like to use it. 

I should also mention that I can see the batch file that loads into the command line when RC launches, and it is in fact not a complete list of commands. It does seem to cut off in the middle of an argument, but when the original batch file is opened the full argument is there as well as the rest of the batch. 


Is there something here I am missing? Is it possibly a limit from PPI license? 

Hi Kilby, how does look your command exportSelectedModel in script? To use this command you need to have selected model which you want to export.

Hi Ondrej, 


I was able to narrow the problem down to RC reading the script. It seems to only load a portion of the script once it grows past a certain size. I can confirm this by looking at the cmd at the script that loads and it cuts off in the middle of the exportSelectedModel command, even though it is properly written in the script. Is this possibly a limitation of the PPI license? 



Hi Kilby, is it possible to share your BAT file? There shouldn’t be this kind of limitation.