I have Ship_BP and PlayerCharacter_BP blueprints. I am not trying to simulate any sort of buoy physics or anything with my naval ship, but I am running into a funny bug where my playercharacter continues to receive the movement input of the ship even after I re-possess my PlayerCharacter_BP pawn.
I set up a movement system similar to Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag where there are four movement indices, each with a different max speed. When the user clicks forward/backward, the speed index increments/decrements, and I set the max speed of the floating pawn movement. The ship then moves along every tick at the max speed of the corresponding speed index.
I ran into a problem where the ship would stop moving if I repossessed my playercharacter pawn, and I figured it was because the ship pawn needed a controller to receive movement input. I now store the initial controller in a variable and when the player controller repossesses the playercharacter pawn, I possess the ship with the aicontroller.
Now when I repossess my player character pawn, the ship continues to move along as expected, but the playercharacter pawn also receives a movement input in the same forward vector as the ship. I have tried to clear the movement input, disable and then re-enable movement on the charactermovement component, but it hasn’t worked.
Can anyone help explain why my playercharacter pawn would still be receiving these residual movement inputs?