Release 4.12.5
When testing the game on commandline (running the project with -game…) on the first time the EQS execute by level (when an enemy pawn see my player character) I’m getting a small “freeze” on the game and so, after some seconds the game works perfectly.
This freeze comes with the Over execution time warning on my log pointing the EQS causing the trouble…
After this warning all the remaining gameplay runs normally.
Checking the code I saw that this error is thrown on EnvQueryManager.cpp line 348, but It’s just happening on non PIE executions, when playing on the editor I don’t have the error neither the “hiccup”, what can mean that is something related to different BUILD configs executing more things and checks (this I guess by watching the code around the warning), so, something is “disabling” the freeze when I run on editor.
The EQS is really simple, but I have tried to change it to a simple grid generator and it still trowing the warning and causing the hiccup, looks like I’ll not get “any” EQS running on on this system on less than the 0.25secs time limit pointed on the method.
I must confess that I’m completelly lost here, I “guess” that on make the shipping build I’ll have the same behaviour from PIE, but cook and pack the game to each small test now is unfeasible. I don’t know if this is really a bug, but I would like to “if possible” at least get instructions to run the game from commandline “missleading” the engine regarding build, and so, getting one from the states where the freezing check doesn’t occurs.
Thank you.