EQS Generators get empty sometimes

Have had strange issue with earlier ue4 builds too. EQS generators may get blank/empty after loading editor again. Only added tests remain. But no longer the EQS finishes to return any results. Ends look like this when bugged.


I was unable to reproduce this issue after testing it a number of times.

Do you have any idea when this occurs? Does it occur after making any changes to the EQS?

Havent yet found clues what could cause it. Havent got the issue for many restarts now. Not sure if the game engine updates would cause it. I will keep my eyes open.


As you have not been able to reproduce this issue as this time, I will be marking this topic as resolved. If this issue persists, please reopen this topic and provide repro steps or a test project that we can use to reproduce this issue on our end. Thank you for your report.

Have a great day