Amazing volumetric rework for 5.1, especially reduction of computation time, thanks.
Hi, really good thread. I read it through and I think no one is mentioning the variable shading rate bug? When you set the rate to 4x4 in the material this is how the shadows look, they look fine when you set the rate to 1x1 and rebake.
All the best
I have a strange artifact when using gpu lightmass on my modular nanite meshes… rainbow colors on all edges… How do i fix this?
any eta when precomputed visibility will be supported? quite important for VR and mobile
I’d love to see that too, but for now you have to build lighting with CPULM to generate precomputed visibility and afterward you can keep using GPULM.
Btw, precomputed visibility won’t help you because UE5 is fundamentally broken when it comes to visibility culling on mobile. Even if you have hardware occlusion culling disabled via cvar in the .ini, you will still have massive performance issues. To “fix” that, you have to completely disable visibility culling in the Project Settings, but that also disables precomputed visibility culling.
my issue seems to have been caused by overlapping lightmap uvs… better to seperate by the corners… wherever a hard edge is. Seperating and creating uv shells on the lightmap uv worked out.
I tested ue5-main today and there seem to be a few regressions.
Here you can see that two sided meshes seem to be broken (they are glowing in the dark). Also in another map the same happens for a static mesh (non foliage) that is also two sided.
And here you can see on the floor that some part is darker/lighter for no reason (it should all be the same). There are more instances of things like this over the map.
This is all with default GPULM settings.
Has anyone tried building lighting with GPULM in 5.1p1 on large levels? Is 8Gb of VRAM good enough for that or does UE5 crash ?
I am still on UE 4.27.2 and when lightmaps res is too high or level is too big and there is a lot going on lightmaps-wise, UE crashes when building lighting with GPULM (but works fine with CPULM).
@jon_eg , hi. I am having nasty problems with the GPULM. I cant bake any scenes, in a new project the objects are completely black! I had to generate UVs for the quixel model, but what is going on?
In the logs i get “Static lighting system is removed for world NewMap.”
Hello, I know it’s too late) well, the problem is in the shader. open the shader where there is no preview and check if there is a texture with an error! If so, delete it and re-upload it.
more options for all textures are not converted to VT convert! right click on the texture and select Convert to Virtual Texture
5.1 introduces some really bad issues with shading. Some of my meshes end up baking very dark.
I did some comparisons between 5.1 and 5.0. The same scene with only minor changes in both. (Named/captions of images show version).
So far I have not found a solution for this, so if 5.1 ships like this, it will be unusable for me.
If possible can you share a smaller scene which repros the problem?
I have retested on latest 5.1 github branch, and the regressions shown above still occur. Also I tried to build lights using CPULM to see if it was affected too somehow, and it crashes with (strata is disabled)
LightingResults: Error: <None> === Lightmass crashed: ===
Assertion failed: StrataBlendMode == SBM_Opaque [File:E:\Unreal\5_0\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealLightmass\Private\ImportExport\Material.cpp] [Line: 61]
0x00007ff607473581 UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::FMaterial::Import() [E:\Unreal\5_0\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealLightmass\Private\ImportExport\Material.cpp:62]
0x00007ff607442d39 UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::FLightmassImporter::ConditionalImportObjectWithKey<Lightmass::FMaterial,TMap<Lightmass::FSHAHash,Lightmass::FMaterial *,FDefaultSetAllocator,TDefaultMapHashableKeyFuncs<Lightmass::FSHAHash,Lightmass::FMaterial *,0> >,Lightmass::FSHAHash>() [E:\Unreal\5_0\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealLightmass\Private\ImportExport\Importer.h:201]
0x00007ff607476bc2 UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::FStaticLightingMesh::Import() [E:\Unreal\5_0\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealLightmass\Private\Lighting\LightingMesh.cpp:145]
0x00007ff6074d98dd UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::FStaticMeshStaticLightingMesh::Import() [E:\Unreal\5_0\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealLightmass\Private\Lighting\StaticMesh.cpp:299]
0x00007ff607446056 UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::FLightmassImporter::ImportObjectArray<Lightmass::FStaticMeshStaticLightingMesh,TMap<FGuid,Lightmass::FStaticMeshStaticLightingMesh *,FDefaultSetAllocator,TDefaultMapHashableKeyFuncs<FGuid,Lightmass::FStaticMeshStaticLightingMesh *,0> > >() [E:\Unreal\5_0\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealLightmass\Private\ImportExport\Importer.h:155]
0x00007ff607474edc UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::FScene::Import() [E:\Unreal\5_0\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealLightmass\Private\ImportExport\LightmassScene.cpp:207]
0x00007ff607459c3f UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::BuildStaticLighting() [E:\Unreal\5_0\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealLightmass\Private\CPUSolver\CPUSolver.cpp:179]
0x00007ff60747f181 UnrealLightmass.exe!Lightmass::LightmassMain() [E:\Unreal\5_0\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealLightmass\Private\Launch\UnrealLightmass.cpp:269]
0x00007ff60749ff87 UnrealLightmass.exe!main() [E:\Unreal\5_0\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealLightmass\Private\Launch\UnrealLightmass.cpp:551]
0x00007ff60750eaac UnrealLightmass.exe!__scrt_common_main_seh() [D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl:288]
is there a way to make gpu lightmass take into account pixel depth offset for paralllax occlusion mapping…
my experience is its all black behind thepixel depth offset… as though its a solid wall still and not something with depth like bricks
Thanks for your report. With your repro scene I was able to identify and fix 3(!) individual bugs. I believe at least 2 of them have also caused the issue of @Ozykz .
I’m glad my scene was helpful. I’ll be testing the fixes ASAP. I’ve noticed in your screenshot however that there’s a decal above the middle window that looks bright green? I don’t know if that’s a regression or something you were testing.
The fixes will not likely make into 5.1 release, but hotfixes later. They are not submitted yet. The green part is probably a GPULM progress bar (I enabled VT lightmaps for quicker preview of results)
As long as we can cherry pick them from ue5-main or whatever that’s fine. It’s probably a good idea to push them into 5.1 soon though because at least in my maps these issues were deal breakers and I suspect it will be for many others.