EpicGames Installer cannot install

Simply running the installer as admin through the cmd window and still getting the same error that the installer couldn’t write a value to key \Software\Classes\com.epicgames.launcher\shell\open\command Verify you have the sufficient access to that key.

Here is the log file Installer Log


I’m sorry to hear that you’re having trouble. Based on the logs you are getting a 1406 error. Can you please send me your DxDiag?

The logs do say that your installation completed. Is that not the case?

Here is the Dx and it “finishes” if I skip the error but doesn’t work

Hello again!

This error can sometimes be caused by your anti-virus software blocking changes to the registry as a security measure. Can you please try to disable your AV and try the installation again? Please reply back with your results.

Yep we are good now thanks.

No me deja instalar epic games porque no se pudo escribir el valor de la clave

no me deja instalar epic games porque dice que no se puedo escribir el valor en la clave

Literally having the exact same problem do not know what to do