Epic Skeleton and Skinning

Hi community! We have a problem with our character’s dress - it is deforming when using animation blueprints
The bottom part of the dress is deforming and going inside the thigh. Is there any suggestions, maybe we’re skinning it wrong to fit Epic Skeleton?

Hey @HayqArt!

A few possible suggestions:

  • First would be to add cloth physics to the skirt itself. This may prevent it from going into the leg and add a possible slight flow effect.
  • If your dress is modular you could always animate the dress and have the exact effect desired.
  • Could you show us a little more how your character is set up?

Any additional specifics you provide may go a long way in solving your problem, and hopefully someone has a good suggestion to solve your problem!

You may want to transfer your skinning from the legs to the skirt, and eventually apply some smoothing, so that you’re sure that whenever the legs are bending, the skirt will follow.

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