Epic: pls. provide source control hosting 100 GB+

Dear deciders at Epic, a request from a 10+ year Unreal user.

Thank you very much for all the free content you provide to us via the monthly give-aways and other free stuff from the marketplace.

But please understand that most of these are only relevant for a very small percentage of the community, if at all. What the WHOLE community needs instead, esp. the starting indie-teams with no budget is a easy, free source control hosting solution for repositories above the 5GB limit which free provider offer (e.g. GitHub, AWS). Only small game-jams are doable withing the 5 GB limit, but even a few asset from the marketplace are above that (e.g. a landscape pack 12 GB, 20 Megascan trees 8 GB, a Paragon Character 2 GB).

So please provide a free hosting solution that fits to the requirements of Unreal projects, esp. during the development phase, where many complete marketplace packs are used by the team, before the final migration of the only used assets can be made to cut down the total size.
Also please make sure there are no other limits, like e.g. the 100 MB limit per file as on GitHub, as some textures or other assets are far above that even in a standard project.

In the past years I have seen many teams give up on their projects, because source control was just not available for them.

Agreed, this Is definitely something we all Need.