Since I changed my computer I can’t install EOS. The error is EOS-ERR-1603.
I’m using Windows 10 and .NET Framework 3 is already installed as described in:
After searching forever why this issue occurs, here’s what I figured out.
There are quite some wanna-be-solutions around the web for this error, like editing the registry, changing file permissions and so on, but they all do nothing for the actual real problem. Forget and don’t bother with those, because if running the launcher as administrator still doesn’t fix the issue, then none of these will.
The solution to this is actually REALLY simple, in case you have installed Epic Games Launcher on a different drive or folder than the default one, as many developers may have. This one will solve the issue:
tldr; Create manually a folder “C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games”. Now try to install it, it should work! You may need to run the EpicOnlineServices.msi file manually instead through the launcher.
Yes, all the installer is having an issue with is, that it cannot install this parent folder on it’s own … seriously… nor will it pickup to the correct location of the Epic installation folder to install there. Dev work at it’s best
I was also having this same issue, since I installed the Launcher and the engine at another drive (D in my case) and doing the steps (actually one step) above really solved the issue.
…they don’t check the install location during setup? They offer to change the folder during installation of the client, but don’t think about it when offering installation of some “Service” right within said Client. Yes, it’s only for testing purposes, but still… A Job well done, I would say
I personally just created a symlink in C:\Program Files(x86)\Epic Games that points to C:\my\custom\install\location\Epic Games and things seem to work so far.
The symlink can be created either by using the mklink command, or a utility such as Link Shell Extension.
idk if its normal but when i open the msi, it will start for a few seconds then it would say “1 minute left” then the bar would lower all the way is that normal?