Epic MegaJam! October 8-15th, 2015. THEME: STANDING ON THE SHOULDERS OF GIANTS

I found your game and deleted that. Well, deleted all the WNE marks, because there were probably more errors :confused: but I’ll be more on it next time.


Amazing contest, thanks to YOU for organzing and Congratz to all winners as well. When will the GTX980 be raffled off?

Hi, maker of the game Omnitron and winner of the Philosophy Award.

My wife convinced me of polishing up the game, include ideas that were cut from the Jam and release the game. Hopefully a full version will be available before xmas and I will add a book for .

Congrats to all the winners! The work you guys put out in a week was amazing.

Congratulations to all the winners, the games you guys made look truly “epic”!!! (Now I gotta start playing all of them…)

Thank you very very much Epic. You are the best.

i’ll use now game jam games to learn this **** :smiley:

Hey it’s our friend Ben from SideFX! Thanks Ben for the additional prizes!

Reborn Dimension has drawn their raffle winner for the NVIDIA GTX 980 Ti!

David Sánchez Rivera (Flash and Pizazz)

@ , just noticed something changed up “Epic Staff” , Congrats !

Thanks buddy :slight_smile:

I’m not noticing Epic making a subtle reference to their old, 90s name, am I?

I dunno what you’re talking about! :stuck_out_tongue:

David Sanchez Rivera thanks a lot four the prize. I am really happy :slight_smile:

any new gamejam coming ?