Epic Launcher keeps indicating of new updates

I have this weird case that whenever I open the Epic launcher, I get the tiny orange dot next to my ‘Library’ tab, and Lyra - along with a couple other of my downloaded marketplace packs - require to be updated. Over and over. I keep clicking to update them, and next time I have to do it all over again. Is this a bug? Something wrong with my setup?

Clicking the dot doesn’t update them. Just checking :wink:

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haha, I know. Thankfully I’m not that silly (but a lot of other times I probably am!)

Ok, you never know… :smiley:

So, after applying an update, it asks you to do the same one again?

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Yep, almost every time I sign on to the Launcher again (I think it’s probably 100% of the time but haven’t really kept track) the same 2 or three assets (including the Lyra project) have the Update Available little icon, I click ‘Update’, I download everything etc. Same thing repeats the next time etc.

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Weirdly I get the same effect, about 6-10 assets continually have it happen. It’s bizarre indeed. Worse seems to have rendered a plugin inoperable in ue5. (Mindmaker doesn’t appear for me and needs the updates continually). It does in the short term show loading, overwriting, and the update notif disappears, but next launcher start they’ll likely all say update again.

Weirdly I’m getting this too. Is your library pretty massive as well?

I’m also having this same odd Library update issue. It only affects about 5 of my purchased assets.

My library is extensive, but not sure how we define ‘massive’ here…

If anyone still has this problem, find the asset’s in the Epic Game Launcher, then remove local content


I have the same problem as well. My library is large as well. Epic had to do some “Magic” under the hood a while back to get some of my assets back on my library screen. I wonder if this somehow “broke” the Marketplace update feature?

The same is happening to me. Plus, it begs the question. HOW DO WE KNOW WHAT IS IN NEED OF UPDATE ?!?!!?

I can place the cursor over the super tiny little orange dot and it only says update needed, which doesn’t help at all.
If you were programming this, and you had the list of items to update, why not placing the names in the message ?!?!

I still have this problem today. The Launcher tells me a market place asset needs to be updated, I update it, I come back the next session and the same asset needs to be updated again. This doesn’t look like they put out a new update between my updates mind you. I was wondering if this is because I have 1000+ assets and if this is causing the problem. Epic did have to work on my account in the past to get everything to show up properly in the launcher. I know this problem has been around since version 4.27

For what it’s worth, I’ve resorted to ‘removing local cache’ of these assets, because I didn’t really need them imminently anyway, to avoid getting that Update notification icon.