Epic launcher in linux ?

Hi i’m new to unreal i’m working on linux and i want to know if we have epiclauncher in linux or not ? and if i use epic launcher in windows to buy or get some asset i can see them in linux after that ?

The epic launcher will not work on Linux, unfortunately.

The good news is that there’s an open source alternative called Epic Asset Manager. It requires you to provide an API key to function (the app will walk you through setting this up), but otherwise I’ve found it works well.

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Thanks for your help but i don’t understand how to install it

Depends on your distro – on Fedora, I’m able to install the flatpak build from Gnome Software (via Flathub). This is the recommended install method by the developer.

If installing the flatpack build is not an option, you’ll need to clone the github repo and build it yourself. There are instructions for this in the wiki I linked above.