Epic Launcher icon is broken


Wondering if anyone else is experiencing this but i noticed since a few updates ago my Epic Launcher no longer retains its position on the taskbar and the icon is also missing in action. It now uses a strange windows icon…

is it just me?

same for me

Same here, just whant to open a thread for myself :wink:

Same here.

I love the eye for detail some people have :smiley:

I noticed the same…

Had the same issue… I fixed by launching the “launcher”,
Once launched right click the horrible default plain windows icon that appears in the taskbar, and select pin to taskbar and it “should” turn back to the epic icon.
This worked for me, had the same issue with yesterdays launcher update.
Then delete the old launcher link from the taskbar (if you have one) and use the new one.

Yea its an eyesore. Good news is we found the root cause of this one and are working on a hotfix for this and a couple other issues. Hope to have that out to you soon.

Think its needed for game development :wink: