Epic Launcher crashes on startup

Double click on Epic icon and launcher crashes. Sends details to Unreal. I have the following setup

•Desktop PC with Windows 8.1 64-bit
•Quad-core Intel or AMD processor
•DX11 compatible video card
I have never had any probs until the last update.

Hi Bigpierre666,

Try the suggestions here.

If nothing works, follow the steps here to generate your Debug Logs. Then post them here, along with your Dxdiag (system specs).

DXDIAG and Debug reports attached. Other ideas did not work.link text

From your Dxdiag it looks like you need to upgrade your Graphics Card drivers. Could you do that and see if the crash still happens for you?

Rest of the dump fileslink text

Sorry still not working.

still not working. It gets a bit further and then crashes again.

Hi Bigpierre666,

From looking at your log it looks like you’re suffering from a known issue involving corrupt files. What I need you to do is delete a specific file for me. Please be careful as any action when you are deleting a file can cause issues.

Please navigate to the following folder:
“C:\Program Files\Unreal Engine\Launcher\VaultCache”

Inside the VaultCache folder you should find a folder called: “UE_4.7”

Delete this file and re-run the launcher.

NOTE: Be careful that you only delete this specific folder Inside of the VaultCache folder. If a folder called UE_4.7 is located anywhere else it is likely a full copy of the Unreal Engine, you do not want to delete that.

Hopefully this should solve your problem. Let us know how it goes.

still crashing I attachlink text new DXDIAG

OMG it works. Thanks for your help and everyone’s input.

Great to hear, I’ve gone ahead and converted this comment to an answer in case other users suffer a similar issue.

Happy Developing :slight_smile: