Epic Games Store - How to sell an UE4 game on Epic Games Store?

Hi, I would like to know, what is process of applying, uploading, and selling a game on Epic games Store? is there any documentation?

Are there, anti-piracy tools ?

What happens If I already sell my game on Steam, is it still possible to sell on the Epic Games Store at the same time?


There is a submission and FAQ Page which could answer your questions :slight_smile:

Thank you very much @YourDownfall , It doesn’t explain If we are able to apply even if our games are already being sold on Steam or other platforms. I guess Epic does filters UE4 games then, that would explain why there are so few games on the Epic Games Store.

Also, I´m not sure why some games on both sites (Epic and Steam) have different prices, some games on Steam at $29.99, sell on Epic at $14.99 as regular price, or even less; do you know if Steam is requesting developers to lower prices in order to accept games that are already on other plaftforms as pre-requisite?

Thanks :slight_smile: