Epic Games Launcher will crash / Installation not possible

I try to install Unreal Engine on my Mac, but the Epic Games Launcher always crashes, then says

“An Unreal process has crashed: UE4-EpicGamesLauncher”

MacBook Pro M3 Max with Sequoia 15.1.1, downloading the EpicInstaller-17.2.0.dmg from the official website, then opening the dmg, then asking me to drop the Application Icon in the linked Application folder, success till this point. Opening the App named “Epic Games Launcher.app” and after asking me for my system password to confirm file change rights, then crashes. Always.

Restart did not help
Deleting and installing did not help
deleting, restarting, installing did not help
installing via terminal did not help
deleting Application Files and installing again did not help

Googled a lot, found others with same problem, but with no solution that helped me.

Is this known? Is there a solution or a planned solution?


Same problem for me. New install onto a new M4 Pro Mac Book Pro. Super Annoying! Help!?!


Can Anyone Share The Solution? Facing Same Issue


Same problem for me. Seems to be a compatibility issue with the latest MacOS as all was working fine until I upgraded to Sequoia 15.1.1.


Same problem for me. New install onto a new M4 Max Mac Book Pro. Super Annoying! Any Fixes? Or Older Versions?


Same issue for me. Brand new M4 macbook pro, wanted to try out UE5 performance. Epic Game Launcher crashes right after “verifying update” shows up within seconds of launching. Any solutions?


Same on MacBook Pro M4 Pro. MacOS version 15.1.1


Having the same issue. A fresh install of the Epic Games Launcher fails to start up.

Mac Apple M1 Pro, Sequioa 15.1.1
Epic Games Launcher 17.2.0

Crash Logs:

[2024.12.05-09.23.49:694][  0]FSelfPatchInstallCommandlet::StartupCommandlet()
[2024.12.05-09.23.49:694][  1]LogStreaming: Warning: Failed to read file '/Users/shetsuya/Library/Application Support/Epic/EpicGamesLauncher/Data/Launcher.manifest' error.
[2024.12.05-09.23.49:694][  1]LogSelfUpdateInstall: Applying update.
[2024.12.05-09.23.49:864][  1]LogMac: Error: appError called: Assertion failed: IsSet() [File:/Users/build/Build/++Portal/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/Misc/Optional.h] [Line: 190] 
It is an error to call GetValue() on an unset TOptional. Please either check IsSet() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.

[2024.12.05-09.23.49:885][  1]LogMac: === Critical error: ===
SIGSEGV: invalid attempt to access memory at address 0x3

[2024.12.05-09.23.49:885][  1]LogMac: 0x00d069a7 EpicGamesLauncher-Mac-Shipping!_ZN20FGenericPlatformMisc14RaiseExceptionEj   [UnknownFile]) 
0x00e4f91a EpicGamesLauncher-Mac-Shipping!_ZN13FOutputDevice8LogfImplEPKDsz   [UnknownFile]) 
0x00dffbc7 EpicGamesLauncher-Mac-Shipping!_ZL17AssertFailedImplVPKcS0_iPKDsP13__va_list_tag   [UnknownFile]) 
0x00dffa51 EpicGamesLauncher-Mac-Shipping!_ZN6FDebug21CheckVerifyFailedImplEPKcS1_iPKDsz   [UnknownFile]) 
0x01aeb57b EpicGamesLauncher-Mac-Shipping!_ZN20FSelfUpdateInstaller14ApplyUpdateNowE9TDelegateIFv17ESelfUpdateResultE26FDefaultDelegateUserPolicyE   [UnknownFile]) 
0x019f7106 EpicGamesLauncher-Mac-Shipping!_ZN28FSelfUpdateInstallCommandlet12HandleTickerEf   [UnknownFile]) 
0x01a66c9d EpicGamesLauncher-Mac-Shipping!_ZNK29TBaseSPMethodDelegateInstanceILb0E28FSelfUpdateInstallCommandletL7ESPMode0EFbfE26FDefaultDelegateUserPolicyJEE7ExecuteEf   [UnknownFile]) 
0x00cf7bd3 EpicGamesLauncher-Mac-Shipping!_ZN7FTicker4TickEf   [UnknownFile]) 
0x00c7b012 EpicGamesLauncher-Mac-Shipping!_ZN23FPatcherApplicationImpl3RunEv   [UnknownFile]) 
0x00b8b6ec EpicGamesLauncher-Mac-Shipping!-[UE4AppDelegate runApplication]   [UnknownFile]) 
0x00b8cb54 EpicGamesLauncher-Mac-Shipping!-[UE4AppDelegate runGameThread:]   [UnknownFile]) 
0x00dd62f1 EpicGamesLauncher-Mac-Shipping!-[FCocoaGameThread main]   [UnknownFile]) 
0x0f4040e3 Foundation!__NSThread__start__   [UnknownFile]) 
0x0e397253 libsystem_pthread.dylib!_pthread_start   [UnknownFile]) 
0x0e392bef libsystem_pthread.dylib!thread_start   [UnknownFile]) 

I’m getting the same result. Done everything I can do so far but still stuck on startup.


Will anybody of the UE-development Team recognize this issue and comment, just to let us know if we can expect to use the Unreal Engine or not? Has anybody an idea how long this kind of problems get solved? I just have my M3 Max new and I have no idea If I have to wait for hours, weeks, month or maybe I can never use it?

How long will it take?

  • Hours
  • Weeks
  • Months
  • Never
0 voters

same problem. Sonoma 14.6 on mackbook air m3. but it seems that your versions are all Sequoia 15.1.1?

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got an m4 pro today and ran into the same problem.
SOLVED by doing the following: airdropped the “epic games launcher” file from another MacBook (from Applications folder) – seems to work :slight_smile:

Same issue here, also tried pretty much all of the suggestions found on the internet, it seems to be a recurrent issue, possibly linked to the launcher being updated (somehow, I only see this as a common denominator for all posts)

Same problem here, seeing this posted by users in reddit as well now.
I’m rocking a Sequoia 15.1.1 M1 Pro

Hey folks! We’ve addressed an issue causing crashes for some Mac users who recently installed the Epic Games Launcher. If you’re still encountering a crash, please re-download and install the launcher from epicgames.com.

Let us know if that works for you.


So it seems that the folks from Epic Games just gave a little clap to their Time Machine and now there is the new old Epic Installer 15.7.1. from October 2024 (before it was “17.2.0” from 2 days ago) uploaded and it works! Thank you so much for reacting so fast.

I downloaded the Epic Games installer 15.17.1 and now it works again, however, when I try to launch the Football Manager 2024 it gives me the error code IS-INMF01 and doesn’t open the game.

I went back to 15.7.1 and it works well. Thanks you!

Thank you this worked! Of course I already spent hours building the engine for source, but at least I have both version now on my mac.

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