I’m trying to get Unreal Engine setup on a Mac Lab of 9 machines. We’ve downloaded Epic Games Launcher and installed Unreal Engine 5.1.1 on each machine on an admin account.
When another user comes to log in and use EGL and UE, they can log into EGL absolutely fine but in the Unreal Engine section it asks to install Unreal Engine again, not recognising that there is already a version installed. When you click Install it tries to install it to the exact same place and throws a ‘Directory must be empty’ error. (Obviously the directory isn’t empty because it contains the exact files it’s wanting to put in there!)
We can launch UE directly via the Application file in the Mac Binaries and even create a project, however then if we want to add marketplace content to the project it throws a ‘No Compatible User Projects Found’ error and won’t allow us to download/add the content. In the ‘Projects’ area of the Unreal Section of the EGL it doesn’t show any projects that have been created on the machine.
The folders where EGL, UE and the Projects been installed to and created on are accessible by everyone on the machine so there’s no read/write permission issues - just that it doesn’t seem to be picking up the install.
Any ideas?