When i am downloading epic games launcher it says "There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support pesonnel or package vendor. I HAVE TRIED DIFFERENT SOLUTIONS BUT NONE OF THEM HAVE SOLVED IT. THE ERROR POPS UP WHEN ITS DOWNLOADING DIRECT X. PLEASE HELP!
Please stop shouting.
You have tried 0 “solutions” or it would be fixed.
Uninstall Direct X. You may need to uninstall your game cheat software first.
Then re-run the installation as an administrator.
game cheat software?
I uninstalled direct x and re-run the installation as an administrator however the error still seems to pop up, any other suggestions ? thanks.
Get someone to log into your machine and run the install for you? Get team share.
Honestly I’ve installed dozens of copies on dozens of machines. Including the latest.
There are about half a dozen post where the latest does not install. But this is not a trending problem. All of these posts were made by you.
So you need to accept the fact that your computer is the 1 thing here that is not working. And it could be anyones guess as to why.
After uninstalling Direct X. Did you reinstall Direct X?
Cheat software, such as Mods that you download and install often work by removing the Direct X DLL’s and replacing them with their own. You will not be able to properly run the installer when it sees that the DLL’s in question are not the proper ones. So yes. You must remove all cheat software…
Uninstalling Direct X should fix that. Reinstalling should make sure you have the proper DLL’s. Repairing the installation might.
Can you share the link where you downloaded the installer?
I just downloaded latest. It never tries to install direct x.
Most likely Unreal is unable to detect that you had it installed. Or that the correct version was not found.
Win 10 should have dx 11.3 and dx12 installed. If you are using an OEM version of windows, or OEM version of Direct X that could be the issue. In either case, it should not be trying to install dx 12 on a win 10 machine.
Could you please outline the steps to uninstall and install direct x properly. i am on windows 10. It say i have directx12. Thanks
You cant. Its part of the Operating System, and windows uses the hardware acceleration in DX12 to draw the desktop and all the windows. If you uninstalled DX12 windows would not be able to draw.
Which is why It should not be trying to install it on a windows 10 box to begin with.
Can you get a copy of the Launcher from someone. Just copy the files? When you run it it will update itself to latest. Have you tried to install an earlier version? See if you can download and install 4.17?
OR if you feel up to it, you can just download the source code from git hub, and recompile the whole engine yourself.
The launcher is not really needed to make games. Its only there to download and install new builds. And let you switch between them. If it aint doing that, then it aint doing its only purpose. And its useless.
Hi, i went on my laptop which had a working copy of epic games launcher and copied files to usb and i put the copied files and dragged to my desktop, computer and now it works, thank you so much!!!
How would I figure out if that’s the case?
No problem… I had issues with the 4.19 preview. It didn’t install because the path was too long. It wouldn’t unzip some files… Could be you were facing the same issue.
However by copying the files it will not be fully fixed because the laucher requires update but it says self update failed. It is definetely a fault with windows something. This would mean i would have to update the launcher on my laptop and copy the files again
And i dont know how to get an older version of the launcher. Any suggestions
It may be trying to download the patch, and it gets corrupted because the path its trying to save to is too long. Its not a windows Problem. Its an Unreal still uses Ansi version of CreateFile() which has a limit of 260 - (8.3). = 248 character limit on the path.
Do you know what the path is? Mine wasn’t very large. “d:\dev\UE4Versions\4.19p\UnrealEngine-staging-4.19.” ~ 51 character to start, and this fails to patch.
Moving it to "d:\dev\UE4Versions\4.19p\UE4" ~ 29 Characters to start, allowed the patch to succeed.
If you are installing to "C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\Epic Games\4.18" ~ 36 Characters…
I dont know what the path length is of the downloaded patch, but it might be worth trying to install to a directory that is shorter… "C:\Unreal" Or something short like that… And see if it will succeed.
That’s the only issue I’m aware of at this time. And its a problem with both the 4.18 and 4.19 versions.