Hi i installed the “EpicGamesLauncherInstaller-2.0.1-2467307 .msi” but when i try to launch it then it crashes… i tried to find the log folder as seen in other replies but in EpicGamesLauncher folder i can only see a folder named “com” that is empty.
there is the dxdiag log file link text
i figured out that is ts3overlay add on for ts3 application… i shutted down ts3 and it seems to work but… anyway to solve this without uninstall this add-on?
Hi -sl3v1n-,
We were able to reproduce your issue of the TeamSpeak 3 overlay causing the launcher to crash. We’ve added the issue to our database but at this point in time I can’t say if this is something we’ll be able to fix as I don’t know if the fix lies on our side or on TeamSpeak’s side. We’ll post back if we get any new information.
-Max B.
We did seem to find a workaround if you open the launcher first and then launch TeamSpeak you should not crash. Let me know if that work around helps you for the mean time.
ok thx guys for the replies… I solved deactivatig the ts3 overlay addon, but i will check Maximusd3 solution and let u know if it works as soon ill be back home.
Take care&Have frags