Epic Games Launcher Crash on Launch

Hello, I’m trying to install UE in my computer, but the Epic Games Launcher keeps crashing on launch. Every time I try to open it, it goes to the screen “Verifying Update” them it goes to “Installing prerequisites” and crashes immediately.

This is the error message:

Assertion failed: ::GetExitCodeProcess(ShellExecuteInfo.hProcess, (::DWORD*)OutReturnCode) [File:D:/Build/++Portal/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Private/Windows/WindowsPlatformProcess.cpp] [Line: 880]


I already tried a bunch of things to solve this problem, like: run as administrator, run on Win 8 compatibility mode, uninstall and install again, restart computer, etc.

I’m having the same issue in 2024. Was your issue resolved? If so, how?

Hi there @chastangfalcons

Welcome to the Unreal Engine Forum! I’d be happy to take a look. Are you getting an error when the crash occurs, by chance? If not, is there a crash log? This would be located in C:\Users[YourUserNameHere]\AppData\Local\EpicGamesLauncher\Saved\Logs. (The AppData folder is hidden by default, I believe. So, you may have to adjust your view settings on the folder options)