Worked for me
C:\Program Files\EpicGames\ but it doesnt work, its working only until u change foldername back to normal, then crashing again. And u cant play ark when you rename folder.
For me too, till i have to rename it back, then crashing again.
But it will work when i install ark again?
My procedure included this:
- Run CMD as admin and do this “sfc /scannow”
- Restart the PC
- Uninstall Epic games launcher and all files from UE4
- Rename ark ARKSurvivalEvolved=> ARKSurvivalEvolved5
- Install the launcher and start downloading ark into a different place. (let it download for 5minutes)
- Remove everything but .egstore
- Go to your previus install of ark and remove .egstore
- Copy the rest of the files over to the new install
- Enjoy playing.
My procedure included this:
- Run CMD as admin and do this “sfc /scannow”
- Restart the PC
- Uninstall Epic games launcher and all files from UE4
- Rename ark ARKSurvivalEvolved=> ARKSurvivalEvolved5
- Install the launcher and start downloading ark into a different place. (let it download for 5minutes)
- Remove everything but .egstore
- Go to your previus install of ark and remove .egstore
- Copy the rest of the files over to the new install
- Enjoy playing.
My procedure included this:
- Run CMD as admin and do this “sfc /scannow”
- Restart the PC
- Uninstall Epic games launcher and all files from UE4
- Rename ark ARKSurvivalEvolved=> ARKSurvivalEvolved5
- Install the launcher and start downloading ark into a different place. (let it download for 5minutes)
- Remove everything but .egstore
- Go to your previus install of ark and remove .egstore
- Copy the rest of the files over to the new install
- Enjoy playing.
Gonna try this one, let me check it, then i will post a reply if it works
Dont forget to go into %localappdata% and remove everything that has EpicGames in the name
I HAVE A FIX! its simple, just go to ProgramFiles>EpicGames and delete Ark folder, then delete other things from ark, then youre gonna have to download it again BUT WITHOUT DLCs! One of them making epicgames crash. For now, we have to just delete and install ark again, clean install without dlc’s, 100% working.
Support is analyzing this problem, just got answer from them, they dont know how to get rid off it completely so for now we have to reinstall ark everytime when crash happens.
P.S.! Its very important to restart launcher AFTER ark installed, dont play it before restart epicgames!!!
You dont need to reinstall the game, You can just rename the folder and restart your pc, from thhere you click install ark, and just copy old files over, never had an issue science.
for some godforsaken reason this worked. but now ark wont load
No, rename doesnt work for most of users… you have to delete whole ark, then download again.
You have to delete whole ark, then download it again… Only one real solution.
Whats the full path cause C:\Program Files\Epic Games isnt working its an empty folder
OMG Removing ARK worked!!! THANK YOU soo much I have been fighting this for two months now
Yeah that kinda doesn’t apply to me as I don’t have ARK on Epic Games so how the hell am I supposed to get it to work?
For anyone having this issue: I might have found a solution.
This problem seems to have started for me after purchasing DLC for Civ 6. I thought that it had installed everything pretty darn quick, considering I downloaded about 12 DLCs.
I tried the ARK solution, but that did nothing. I deleted the folder, and it still was coming up. This time, I thought about the fact that someone had mentioned DLCs, and suspected that it had something to do with my recent purchase or download. Sure enough, when I deleted the Civ6 folder completely, the problem stopped.
I’m guessing this has to do with some sort of corruption in ANY downloading of DLCS, not just ARK. I’m reinstalling Civ6 right now, but it’ll take a while to see if the problem starts up again. Again, if you’re having this problem, try deleting the folder of the last game that you downloaded any content from. I don’t think it’s game specific, but I can’t test my theory until I reinstall Civ6.
Let me know if anyone finds out anything more on this.
Update: I reinstalled Civ6 and that seemed to have cured the problem. Seems like it’s some sort of download error that occurs from the Epic Games client. The solution seems to be deleting whatever game file that is causing the error, specifically the one that you most recently downloaded DLC for or updated.
This actually worked for me, once I renamed the folder, Epic Games Launcher was able to load; where previously it hadn’t, the Launcher then started to update, I still don’t know how this helped, but it fixed the issue of launching EpicGames for me.
I could not do the ARK fix as i do not have that game installed, but the following fixed the issue for me.
I just renamed “Epic Games” folder at path C:\Program Files\Epic Games\ to EpicGames (C:\Program Files\EpicGames) so the space is the only difference, and then launched.
Now launcher works but my installed games were not detected so i closed the launcher from tray and just changed the name back to C:\Program Files\Epic Games\ and launched again and for some reason it works like normal now.