Epic Game launcher won’t launch, tells me corrupt data found, please verify your installatio, yet ive deleted and redownloaded multiple times!! anyone experience or know what to do ?
I’m sorry that you are having an issue with the Epic Games Launcher. In order for us to offer the best support, we have recently modified the process for how Epic Games can help troubleshoot your Launcher issue. Please visit http://help.epicgames.com/ for technical support, here you can find information and solutions for common issues, as well as a contact form if you still need additional assistance. To access the contact form, please use the “Email Us” button under the “Contact Us” section. Thanks!
Have a great day
So I found out the answer was simple. Turns out if you ever installed Unreal and you later have your environment Temp & TMP paths changed at all(probably to free up space on your C:), then the launcher will fail. You can test this by making another user, and if the launcher works on that account and not yours then you can be sure it the environment variable. Just go to your system settings and set them both back to: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp
After a restart that should fix the problem.
I’m glad that you were able to figure it out. Thank you for sharing your solution!
But . I don’t understand . Can somebody explain me easily . with 3 or for steps
I really can not understand the meaning of this " Just go to your system settings and set them both back to: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp"
Can you explain more details please?
I’ve Been Having The Same Problem I Open Epic Games And It Says “Application Not Responding” Im On Mac HELP
I have the same problem. Have specified for a new project, another hard drive as a location, now the engine stopped working. Various things were supposedly missing. I clicked on the engine in the Epic Games Launcher and waited until it was done. Now everything is back. Once you change the path of the projects, there seems to be a problem! So if you have the hard drive full and want to use another hard drive is forced to perform a re-verification!
Wer seinen Speicherort für die Projekte ändert, heißt: Wer bei der Erstellung eines Projektes eine andere Festplatte angibt, muss danach die Engine neu Verifizieren! Einfach im Launcher auf den Pfeil der Engine und ganz unten auf verifizieren klicken! Dauert etwas aber danach gehts wieder!