Epic/Fortnite Intellectual property proof of permission

I have a question regarding the Intellectual property proof of permission.
Some of you reading may know my work as I have been active in the Fortnite community for over 4 years.
I do everything I can to follow every single TOS/Guideline from Epic, Discord, Apple etc…
But Google has twice suspended my work due to the “lack” of Intellectual property proof of permission.
I believe that my work falls under the Fan content creator policy and I’ve tried to make my case about it but Google being google… well you guess…

Does any of you here know of any way to get any kind of documentation, acknowledgment approval that it’s okay to use a picture of the Fortnite map for fan created content?

I’mnot sure this is the right place to post but I thought I’d chance it and hopefully someone would give me useful tips.

Thanks by advance

Copilot ( www.landingtutorial.com )