Epic Feedback Request - Ecosystem

We’re making some updates to our documentation and tools and want to make sure our naming conventions make sense for you.

When we talk about metrics like “Players Returning to Fortnite Ecosystem,” we are referring to a specific set of data points related to player engagement and activity within a defined environment. We use the term “ecosystem” throughout our documentation and want to know what that term means to you as a creator.

So, here are our questions:

  1. What comes to mind when you hear/read the word “Ecosystem”?
  2. What terms do you use to distinguish metrics for activity on your island vs activity elsewhere in Fortnite?
  3. What does “retained players” mean to you?
  4. What comes to mind when you hear “recurring”?
  1. Players from Discovery
  2. Time inside discovery and/or player reach outside discovery vs actual plays
  3. Players who regularly (~weekly) return to experiences
  4. Repeating at a certain interval
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  1. Ecosystem to me descibes Fortnite players in every capacity, across all game modes from Creative maps to BR.
  2. Activity on my islands could be described as “your players” or “[UserName] Island Players” and Fortnite players elsewhere are just “players”.
  3. Retained players means to me that players remain on your island, probably defined by a set amount of time.
  4. Recurring players sounds like those who return to an island more than once time. Again probably defined by a set time frame.
  1. Depends on where it’s used. ‘Creator Ecosystem’ in my mind sounds like a community because the subject (Creators) are people. Something like ‘Fortnite Ecosystem’ where the subject isn’t a specific person or group of people it sounds like it’s how everything with said subject works together.

  2. Amounts of players. For example; I have no players vs everyone else who has players :roll_eyes:

  3. For me it always sounded like keeping players away

  4. Repeating / Something that comes back image

  1. The Fortnite Player base.
  2. [island name] has/had X amount of players currently/total out of the X amount playing Fortnite currently/total.
  3. How long players play your Island.
  4. Players that came back on a day to day, week to week basis.
  1. An “Ecosystem" is , “a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.”. As this applies to Fortnite, it would be the Fortnite community and the environment that they interact within.

  2. “Controllable Metrics” would be those you have some influence over. For example, I can make my island better, which could bring in more players. “Non-Controllable Metrics” are those which I can not (or I am not allowed to) have any affect over, such as whether or not a player purchases something from the Epic store while they are playing my map, While I could suggest they buy something, this would violate TOS, so I am not allowed to affect whether or not a player purchases an item in the Epic store.

  3. “Retained players” are those who return to the same creator for the same experience. These are the players who come back to our islands to play again, because something drew them in the first time and made them want to return for more. These are also the players that play one of our islands and then decide to play another, going off the premise that if one of our islands is good, another should also be good.

  4. “Recurring”, to me, is something that happens repeatedly. Technically, if something has happened twice it is recurring, but typically this word is reserved for something that happens three or more times, and it typically speaks of the present … as in, it is occurring multiple times now.

  1. What comes to mind when you hear/read the word “Ecosystem”?
    To mean that means the Coding environment and tools.
  2. What terms do you use to distinguish metrics for activity on your island vs activity elsewhere in Fortnite? Metrics means to me how long users stay in the island and what activities quests, etc they tend to play.
  3. What does “retained players” mean to you?
    Users that return and watch for updates
  4. What comes to mind when you hear “recurring”?
    Same as item 3 users that play the game more than once

Hey, I’m kxngchico

  1. Players from Discovery-tab
  2. Time inside discovery and/or player reach outside discovery vs actual plays
  3. Players that return to the island constantly
  4. Same as answer 3
  1. Fortnite: Battle Royale, Save the World, Creative 1.0, UEFN, Rocket Racing, Lego, and anything else missed that is able to be experienced from within the Fortnite launcher.

  2. I have no idea what you mean by “terms I use” because I’ve never discussed metrics for activity within my game experiences as opposed to elsewhere within Fortnite. The only metrics or activity that matters to me or any creator I know ranges from granular (analytics per experience we publish) to revenue breakdowns across the platform. Once you zoom out past our experiences were just looking at how our numbers are doing in regard to comparable experiences from other creators. I think this might be a breakdown in communication surrounding the term “activity”. That’s not how I’ve ever described anything in regards to game development or design. :man_shrugging:

  3. It depends on what scale you’re talking. Player retention comes in timeframes. There is session based retention, and lifetime retention. How long does a player stay when they play my game each session, and do they continue to return to it in subsequent days. I would then look at those as separate yet likely correlated metrics.

  4. The gym membership I need to cancel :grimacing:

  1. I’m not sure but without looking at the definition I would guess its a term to describe how well your island is doing with players overall
  2. Retention and Engagement
  3. People who actively come back to your island
  4. Repeating