What is the EOSCore Plugin?
Use Epic Online Services (EOS) in Unreal Engine Blueprints.
What is the EOSCore Plugin?
Use Epic Online Services (EOS) in Unreal Engine Blueprints.
Reserved post
EOSCore version 1.23 has been submitted, changelog: EOSCore:: 1.23 - eelDev
EOSCore:: version 1.3 has been released, all Epic Online Services interfaces are now implemented and ready to use!
EOSCore:: 1.4 has been submitted!
EOSCore:: 1.5 has been submitted!
The OnlineSubsystem is now available, you can now use P2PNAT (Nat traversal / Nat punchthrough) using the EOS network!
New Docs:
Hosting a game: Bonus Examples - eelDev
Connecting to a game: https://eeldev.com/index.php/connect…a-game-p2pnat/
Subsystem configuration: Bonus Examples - eelDev
EOSCore:: 1.6 has been submitted!
Changelog: EOSCore:: 1.6 - eelDev
EOSCore:: Version 1.6.1 is now live!
EOSCore:: Updated once again!
Recent changelogs & Updates: https://eeldev.com/index.php/categor…unreal-engine/
You can now also **Invite **& **Join **your friends!
EOSCore 1.7.2 is now out, adding Android support!
Changelog: EOSCore:: 1.7.2 - eelDev
Hi @huklen , I’ve been following your progress for quite sometime now and I was hoping to see video tutorials. I’m a audio/visual guy so a lot of text documents isn’t really my thing lol. Any plans for videos please?
Hey there, I have no plans on making video tutorials becuase they get outdated pretty fast and it’s a pain to keep them up to date.
I have a example project that you can download here: Introduction | EOSCore Documentation
@huklen Thank you for your fast response.
Shame, but I totally understand you. I’m experiencing that myself with my MGS.
Thank you for the link
All best of luck
Version 1.7.5 has been submitted!
Version 1.8.0 is now live!
EOSCore:: has been submitted, bringing **Mac **support to EOSCore::
Changelogs: https://eeldev.com/index.php/categor…unreal-engine/
The Plugin is now on a 20% sale!
EOSCore is now on a 30% sale!
EOSCore 1.9.0 is now available!
Updated for EOS SDK 1.13 adding Voice Chat feature!
Plugin is now on a 30% sale!