EOS Social Overlay: Handle Send Game Invite Intent

I can Create and Start a session with the EOS OnlineSubsystem, I can find the sessions and join the sessions.
However, when I open the Epic Games Social Overlay (Shift+F3) and Invite a player (another account), it gives me this log:

[...]LogEOSUI: Social Overlay: HandleSendGameInviteIntent
[...]LogEOSSDK: Warning: LogEOSAuth: GetAsIntegratedPlatformAccountId - ExternalAccountType not set. TargetPlatform(None)

I’ve read the documentation and fiddled with all sorts of settings, but I can’t figure out what it actually wants me to implement or do differently. It doesn’t help that the SDK is in C and C# and the documentation doesn’t actually give any examples for implementation.

  • What are the steps I need to take to get the Social Overlay Invite button to work?
  • What is the proper way to authenticate a player when the only target platform is “Epic” and no other external account?
  • Is it an issue with authentication or product settings or packaging settings or plugin or config, or something else?
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Did you manage to fix the problem?
The same thing happens to me but in reverse.
I can invite a friend.
But when my friend accepts the invitation nothing happens.
And the same warning message that you have appears.
Thank you so much!!

Something similar happens with the SDK
My friend accepts the invitation and nothing happens.
I can only see him in “Matchmaking” when I press the “register” button…

[2023.01.18-14.39.20:385][383]LogEOSSDK: Warning: LogEOSAuth: GetAsIntegratedPlatformAccountId - ExternalAccountType not set. TargetPlatform(None)
[2023.01.18-14.40.44:619][437]LogEOSSDK: LogEOSUI: Social Overlay: HandleAcceptGameInviteIntent

I did not find a solution. I’m thinking it has something to do with the TargetPlatform settings like Steam etc and your Merchant account, but i’m not sure.

I believe that many things about EOS and OnlineSubsystem are deprecated.

I’ve tried a lot of things. For example EOSPlus, OnlineSubsystemEOS no longer work.

I think they are simplifying things. Because there was a lot of confusion. Many variants to do the same… a complete disaster. The documentation is outdated.

I have read that they have already released the second version OSSv2. You can see it is already in the plugins.

Steam uses links to invite friends and Epic uses the UI button. So I don’t think they’re going to get that synchronized in any way.

Ok, they warned that plugin is experimental. So it is understandable that many things do not work.

The incredible thing is that the pugin has been experimental at least since 2016. So I really don’t know what to think about it.

It’s absurd to make a multiplayer game if you don’t have a reliable tool that allows you to connect to the platform.

At least you can create sessions, save achievements and statistics on the epic side. The only thing that doesn’t work is inviting friends.

Anyway, less gives a stone :slight_smile:
Thanks for answering.

Well I was thinking that maybe the game needs to be distributed somehow on a platform before you can interact with your actual friends list by having a Merchant account or atleast uploaded somewhere to have the same version. But I cannot verify any of those theories since I gave up on the EOS overlay. I simply did not figure out what the solution to that was and It was taking too much time to go through the plugin. I could create my own button and it works perfectly and the overlay is simply an illusion of the product, since the buttons there only produce errors when in reality a button should only be visible when it works. The purpose of buttons is to have a function and an indicator.
For developers it’s a headache for the documentation only define what an external account type is, but not how and where one would set it. Maybe there was somewhere, but I was too blind.

I agree. It’s really a headache.
thank you very much for your reply

I’m in the process of making it work too.
I’ve discovered that the accept button is bounded to:

Hope that helps.

Anyone made it work? I have the same problem.

I am also stuck at the point of inviting a friend to a session due to the same error. From what I’ve gathered so far, although it’s not certain, I suspect that this feature works after uploading the client to Epic Games and downloading the game from the Epic Games Launcher. I haven’t tested it yet, so I’m not sure if what I mentioned is correct.

No, it doesn`t work uploading to epic launcher, I am trying to make invites to friends and it not working by the OSS Plugin.