Lyra with EOS Enabled.
Followed Sneaky Kitty tutorial on EOS. THANKS
Got all the EOS samples running and working.
Transfered the EOS config to Lyra.
PC1. Start Lyra. Lyra logs in. Lyra creates lobby/game.
PC2. Start Lyra. Lyra logs in with another Epic account. Lyra can see the created lobby/game. But fails when joining
This is done purely over WAN (No local connections)
7a. LogOnlineFriend: Warning: OSS: [FUserManagerEOS::QueryBlockedPlayers] This method is not supported.
7a. - I guess this fine and caused by anticheat is disabled.
7b. LogEOSSDK: LogEOSLobby: Created lobby socket. LocalUserId=[000âŚca8] WebSocket=[000001D98BF52390]
7b. LogEOSSDK: LogEOSLobby: Connection Established
7b. LogEOSVoiceChat: Warning: [000001D956164990] EOS_Lobby_GetLobbyRTCRoomName failed error=EOS_Disabled
7b. LogEOSVoiceChat: Warning: [000001D956164990] RemoveLobbyRoom LobbyId=[bb12e65ed83d4a549da06cb7131ada11] not found
7b. - I guess this is fine and are caused due to a missing EOS policy, which cant be enabled unless running as a trusted server or error in DefaultEngine.ini ? - I have to investigate.
7c. [2022.04.15-11.37.11:936][425]LogEOSSDK: Warning: LogEOSLobby: Lobby attribute inconsistency
7c. - I cant figure the reason for this warning, either cant I find any documentation.
7d. LogOnlineSession: Warning: OSS: [FOnlineSessionEOS::JoinLobbySession] JoinLobby not successful. Finished with EOS_EResult EOS_Lobby_PresenceLobbyExists
7d. LogCommonSession: Error: FinishJoinSession(Failed with Result: Join failed.)
7d. - Something strange is going on about the lobby/join game.
7d. - Suspect: Error in DefaultEngine.ini
7d. - Suspect: EOS Policy error
7d. - Suspect: EOS Plugin versioning or the EOSSDK-Win64-Shipping.dll ? Not up to date?
7d. - Suspect: the Lobby attribute inconsistency
7e. - I have to run Lyra with command line: LyraGame.exe -auth_type=accountportal -auth_password=xyzxyz then Lyra will use EOS, else not.
7f. - I have to approve the Lyra game each time I run it. Persistlogin may solve this problem. How to implement?
7g. - Atm. I have to approve/add users at Epics Dashboard for Lyra before a user can start Lyra. How to change this?