EOS error Corrective Action Required

I followed every steps of how to enable Epic Online Services on Lyra, but I am stuck at the last step which is connecting to my account when i launch the game (i am using OSSv1).

I have correctly setup my application on the epic dev portal
I have setup a Client, enabled 2FA on my account, and every other step written in the documentation:

On the step where i have to add:
LyraStarterGame -game -customconfig=EOS -AUTH_LOGIN=localhost:6666 -AUTH_PASSWORD=Player1 -AUTH_TYPE=developer.

to the command line before debugging, when i debug it launches the game, but then the screen will load, this error will eb logged in yellow on the top left corner overlay of the Lyra loading screen

[2024.09.20-10.02.29:228][155]LogEOSSDK: Warning: LogEOS: Error response received from backend. ServiceName=[OAuth], OperationName=[TokenGrantv2], Url=[], HttpStatus=[400], ErrorCode=[errors.com.epicgames.oauth.corrective_action_required], NumericErrorCode=[18206], ErrorMessage=[Corrective action is required to continue.], CorrId=[EOS-ujjt660lfk6neoQZChFFHQ-q6wkjmY1e0ymTOPNgJ4C0w]

and it will disapear, the loading bar will disapear for a split second, then it will appear again, following this pattern creating an infinite loop without being able to log in:

blue loading bar on top of the screen progresses
loading bar stops
error log pops up in yellow
loading bar disappears
error log disappears
then loop back to step one

I think the browser windows is supposed to pop up for me to accept to share my epic account info with my application, and the game is waiting for my validation as said in the error log “action is required”. But there is no pop up window on my browser.

Why is there no pop up window for me to confirm sending my account info to my application? (This is the first time i do this on my new pc).

Maybe some important info:
I had a lyra project on my old pc where i followed these exact steps and managed to log in with my account without any problems (using OSSv1), but I did not managed to put this project on my new pc so i started a new project on my new pc and got this error.

I enabled pop ups on my browser, cleared the cache… I don’t know what to do

Thanks for your time reading this, hope you find an answer…

For me it works with ue 5.3 but with ue5.4 same error