EObjectTypeQuery Enum --> No Value Retuned by Reference

Hi, I’ve been having trouble with the EObjectTypeQuery enum. So inside this blueprint that i’m trying to write, whenever i create an Input inside an Event and assign the variable’s type as EObject Type Query, and i make it an array, it gives me a NOTE that reads:
“Info no value will be returned by reference. Parameter Trace Types (the name i gave to it)”.

I’m trying to use it to list my trace types by the way.

Then, inside my character blueprint, when applying this event (from a component i created and inserted in the character), the Log gives me an error/warning that reads: “Accesed None ‘CallFunc_Create_ReturnValue’ from node Setup in graph ‘EventGraph’ in blueprint ‘BP_MyCharacter’.”

My blueprint isn’t working and i’m guessing this might be the problem, but maybe it’s not, although it still bugs me this error/warning.