
My name is Hany Velázquez and I would like to share the process of my final project for my Videogame Art Master at Universal Arts School.
The project will be a videogame environment set in a spiritual/magical market located at the mouth of a river to the sea. During the following weeks I will update my progress and share it with you to get feedback and improve it as much as possible.

I hope you like it and any comments or advice is welcome.


Entorno Final Blocking Recorrido

This is the planning of the stores, which will be done modularly, creating separate parts and being able to have variation of combinations.
The style of the shops will have influence of traditional Chinese architecture.

These are camera renderings in Unreal, here I show the first lighting test and post process. The lighting will simulate a dark nightfall, in the Light Source I use pink and purple colors and in the Sky Light a bluish color.


I also imported in the scene the model of the boat house. Inside it will be a magical study/laboratory.

I add assets downloaded from Megascans (still need to add more). I textured the lamp and use blueprints in Unreal to distribute them on the Stage. I still need to create more color variations and designs for the lamps.

Some assets used are from Megascans: foliage, character and props.