Environment Creation / Mapping

Hello there !

I’m actually working on a top down game which take me so many time, and i would start my stress test soon,
My Network seem to work fine but i’m programmer, i try to make some map but i’m really bad…

That’s why i’m looking for someone who would make some maps by using the free assets Infinity Blade, or some other,
i would get around 3 or 4 usable map:

One is the start map, a Town where the player will always start where we could find some teleporter to go on the desired level.
And the other maps must be ‘fake open world’ as the diablo system, populated by monster etc (you don’t have to do this, only the maps).

I’m not talking to much about the game yet, i’ll post more information later on the Work in progress.

Quick show :slight_smile: :

If possible someone with post process ability :).

If you’re interested contact me by message.