Environment Artists Needed

Looking for some talented Environment Artist to assist in realistic gameplay environment. The map and terrain and all strategic points have been clearly marked and assets have been built. We are looking for someone who is able to create realistic environments using some of their own assets or ones that we have purchased off of the marketplace. If you have experience with TruSky, even better. The map is Moba style and we are open to many creative ideas. We are making many Environments with the same template. This is a contracted job that is paid in full upon completion of the map. If your interested, please email me with some examples and rates. We will want to make a contract based on a flat rate/total price per Map.


Jan Wenstad

Can you PM me your email? Thanks.

Hey Jan, sounds right up our alley… We updated our portfolio just last week with a bunch of new Enviro stuff. Will PM you for more details.

HI i would like to apply for the position. Please provide me the contact details for the same @ contactbhaskardutta@gmail.com