Hello Forum.
I’m Marks lead of Radio Silence Entertainment (RSE). We’re looking for someone to help our exsisting members in creating a rich enviroment. Our game is set in the height of the American revolution that being said we’re looking for someone passionate about this period.
What we expect from you.
- Comfortable and skilled in orginic/non organic 3D models.
- Texturing (not super important but welcomed)
- Not sloppy with UVs as we expect assets to share a Material and texture maps.
- Communication & dedication.
If you’re interested and would like to know more about us and our project our development blogs are here - http://rsegames.com/index.php?board=2.0#forum
You can contact me on my person email here - [EMAIL=“marksmen70@gmail.com”]marksmen70@gmail.com or post below.
Thank you for reading.