Using 4.27 and have been using EnvelopeFollowerListener components successfully in this project for years. The editor crashed unexpectedly the other day and, upon restarting, one (only one) of my classes which used the EnvelopeFollowerListener component had all the links broken. Variables (including a SourceEffectEnvelopeFollowerPreset type) were reset to ‘object’ types and I got the following compiler error:
I deleted the references and built them again in the blueprint, compiled and tested everything worked as intended. Then, I restarted the editor and everything was broken again. Other classes which use the EnvelopeFollowerListener are fine and I can create new classes with it, but this one particular class (NPC_Base) won’t allow me to add it in any way, that survives an editor restart.
What can I do, besides creating a whole new NPC_Base class from scratch?