Envelope amplitude Analysis in sequencer

Hi everyone,

I’ve been trying to solve this issue for quite some time already, but I can’t find a solution. I have a sound attached to an actor blueprint, and the sound itself has an envelope amplitude analysis turned on, I use the sound to animate blendhshapes of the character, and when I run it in-game in the play mode, everything works as it should, but when I do it in sequencer it works only for a certain amount of frames, once the cooked envelope data reaches a value close to 0 (0,002) or similar, which means once it gets to a quiet spot in the audio, it simply stops working.

I tried debugging it by outputting the value of the cooked data into the rendered sequence and it seems that it just gets stuck after a certain amount of frames at a low value like 0.002, I think it’s either because it stops cooking the envelope data in the sequencer once it gets quiet, or it reaches some sort of a limit in the sequencer. does anyone know what can be done in this case?

Hi, it’s been a while but, did you figured it out? Having the same issue :confused: