I’m seeing weird behavior where bit flags enum defined using the ENUM_CLASS_FLAGS
macro break when used as a UPROPERTY
or as the return value for a UFUNCTION
Take the following class, for example. This compiles fine, like this:
// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.
#pragma once
#include "GestureRecognizerComponent.h"
#include "SwipeGestureRecognizer.generated.h"
enum class EGestureSwipeType : uint8
SwipeNone = 0 UMETA(DisplayName="No Swipes"),
SwipeLeft = 0x1 UMETA(DisplayName="Swipe Left"),
SwipeRight = 0x2 UMETA(DisplayName="Swipe Right"),
SwipeUp = 0x4 UMETA(DisplayName="Swipe Up"),
SwipeDown = 0x8 UMETA(DisplayName="Swipe Down"),
SwipeDiagonal = 0x10 UMETA(DisplayName="Swipe Diagonal")
// Common bitflag combinations
#define SwipeHorizontal (SwipeLeft | SwipeRight)
#define SwipeVertical (SwipeUp | SwipeDown)
#define SwipeClassic (SwipeHorizontal | SwipeVertical)
* A gesture recognizer component to detect swipes
class GESTURERECOGNIZER_API USwipeGestureRecognizer : public UGestureRecognizerComponent
/** The minimum length of a swipe to register as a swipe */
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category=Gestures)
float MinimumSwipeDistance;
/** How far the gesture can travel in the 'wrong' direction (e.g. up/down for a horizontal swipe) before the gesture no longer counts as a swipe. Only use for up/down/left/right, not diagonal */
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category=Gestures)
float Tolerance;
/** Which swipes to detect (bitflag) */
//UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category=Gestures)
EGestureSwipeType SupportedSwipeTypes;
//UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category=Gestures)
EGestureSwipeType GetSupportedSwipeTypes();
virtual void InitializeComponent() override;
virtual void DetectGestures(float DeltaTime) override;
virtual void GestureFinished() override;
virtual void ResetGesture(void) override;
But, if I uncomment the UFUNCTION
line in front of either usage of EGestureSwipeType
, I get compiler errors out with the following message:
/Users//Documents/Unreal Projects/GestureRecognizer/Source/GestureRecognizer/SwipeGestureRecognizer.h(51) : Error: In SwipeGestureRecognizer: Unrecognized type 'EGestureSwipeType'
Error: Failed to generate code for GestureRecognizerEditor - error code: OtherCompilationError (2)
UnrealHeaderTool failed for target 'GestureRecognizerEditor' (platform: Mac, module info: /Users//Documents/Unreal Projects/GestureRecognizer/Intermediate/Build/Mac/GestureRecognizerEditor/DebugGame/UnrealHeaderTool.manifest).
Command /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.7/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Mac/RocketBuild.sh failed with exit code 2
If you’re interested in trying it out, you can find the sample project here:
This is happening on a Mac. I have not tested on a Windows machine to see if the behavior is the same.