Entry Level Question - How do I actually open The Island map in an terrain-editable state?

I didn’t think I was entry level - I’ve used other DevKits and Game Engines in the past (Hammer, Unity, CryTech)… but I simply cannot work this out. Opening what’s called The Island just gives me the sea and a load of references to chunks (A1, A2, etc). However, opening any of them has scenery at best (like the rocks on top of Dead Island), or cave entrances…

I can’t find anyone else asking this, either, so I feel like I’m missing something insanely obvious - and that’s just making me feel more stupid.

How to see all of TheIsland in the editor, not just water stuff :slight_smile:


It is due to “World Composition” / “Level Streaming” you can read more info on it here World Composition in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

If you don’t see World Settings on your lower right hand side, you can enable it via the Settings Tab in the Top centre panel of the editor

A window panel will show on your bottom right hand side. In World Settings, activate “World Composition” with a tick.

Then all the levels in “TheIsland” will be visible in the Levels window. If your Levels window is not open, go to the top left hand side Menus, click on the Windows menu, and then select Levels.

Double click on the level you want to enable (see) in your editor window. You can see in my pic below what to activate to see the landscape for example.

Hope this helps.