I have been having this issue for awhile where a game would randomly freeze my entire computer. I thought it was just poor programming or driver issues but now I have narrowed it down to only UE games released recently(within last 2 years or so). Fortnite, Friday 13th, Dead by daylight, Dreadnaught and Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds.
This crash does not occur on any games using other engines. I only have two possible solutions but am unable to test them effectively.
- My power supply might not be able to keep up with some spike in computation requirements. Not likely but one of the parts in my build where I didn’t go overboard.
- Something with Win10 is causing the issue. Others having this issue for the past years have all been on Win 8.1 or 10 from what I’ve seen.
PC Specs: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/T8Mp3F
I’m fine with debugging locally if anyone has any suggestions or programs that could catch the crash before it happens.