Entire city with reality capture!

This is my large scale project with reality capture and unreal engine. Just a short video to show that reality capture works great with very large projects.

Size = 2500 acres
photos = 15 000


Hey there @Clonkki !

This looks absolutely incredible and quite useful! On such a large scale project like this, may I ask, how long it took you to complete it from start to finish?


Thank you. It took me about 1 month to complete. Most of the time i spend on drone mission planning, field and flight time, charging the batteries and waiting for good weather :smiley:

~25-35 hours of actual drone flight time with crosshatch pattern and -65 degree gimbal angle

Time spend on Reality Capture was something about 30h including processing time from alignment to texturing and simplifying the model.

what city did you do

Is this UE4? Because HTML5 support was dropped in 5.

This made me want to download City Skylines all over again. I bet this was a blast to create! :slight_smile: Was there a particular area that was especially fun to experience?

Yes this was done in ue 4.23