Ensure replication of variable on a client

I have a method that, on button input, checks value on PlayerState and, if check successful, sends RPC back:

void UAbilityController::OnSpellUpgradeButtonClicked(USpellWidget* SpellWidget)
	ATBCPlayerState* TBCPlayerState{StaticCast<ATBCPlayerState*>(PlayerState)};
	if (TBCPlayerState->GetSpellPoints() <= 0u) return;

The problem is that when on a client, replication is not immediate, and replicated value is often faulty, i.e. i can spam button fast and bypass check. How can i fix this situation? I tried adding lock guards to both AbilityController and PlayerState, didn’t help. I can’t make OnSpellUpgradeButtonClicked a Server RPC, because it resides on HUD.

The way I handle it right now is just invoke AddSpellPoints on client:

if (PlayerController->IsNetMode(NM_Client))
			-1, 3.f, FColor::Orange, TEXT("Client net mode"));
		// Replication takes time, so change client value too, to ensure upgrade cannot be spammed

This way, on next button spam, value will be updated, and replication will validate that.

Okay, finally found solution to use ForceNetUpdate() method. It forces the replication immediately.