Ensure condition failed - On Level load

Hi everyone

Im having this error when o load any level on Android.

This happens even with levels which are almost completely empty.

Doesn’t seem to showing this error when i work and test on the PC, just when running on Android.

Would really appreciate the help.

D/UE4     : [2022.03.24-11.40.11:032][437]LogOutputDevice: Warning: 
D/UE4     : 
D/UE4     : Script Stack (3 frames):
D/UE4     : GameModeBase.SpawnDefaultPawnAtTransform
D/UE4     : GameModeBase.SpawnDefaultPawnFor
D/UE4     : GameModeBase.HandleStartingNewPlayer
D/UE4     : 
D/UE4     : Ensure condition failed: PrecompiledData->FindDataID(this).IsValid() [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/MovieScene/Private/MovieSceneSequence.cpp] [Line: 67] 
D/UE4     : No precompiled movie scene data is present for sequence 'Sequence'. This should have been generated and saved during cook.
D/UE4     : [2022.03.24-11.40.11:032][437]LogStats: FPlatformStackWalk::StackWalkAndDump -  0.000 s
D/UE4     : [2022.03.24-11.40.11:032][437]LogOutputDevice: Error: === Handled ensure: ===
D/UE4     : [2022.03.24-11.40.11:032][437]LogOutputDevice: Error: 
D/UE4     : [2022.03.24-11.40.11:032][437]LogOutputDevice: Error: Ensure condition failed: PrecompiledData->FindDataID(this).IsValid() [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/MovieScene/Private/MovieSceneSequence.cpp] [Line: 67]
D/UE4     : [2022.03.24-11.40.11:032][437]LogOutputDevice: Error: No precompiled movie scene data is present for sequence 'Sequence'. This should have been generated and saved during cook.
D/UE4     : [2022.03.24-11.40.11:032][437]LogOutputDevice: Error: Stack: 
D/UE4     : [2022.03.24-11.40.11:032][437]LogOutputDevice: Error: 
D/UE4     : [2022.03.24-11.40.11:038][437]LogStats:             FDebug::EnsureFailed -  0.006 s

Ok, this one i kinda solved myself. There was a problem with the Default actor pawn.

Tnx again :slight_smile:

I am hitting similar bug. What exactly was the issue with default actor pawn?

I am hitting similar bug

I encounter a similar error on UE 4.27. I would be very grateful if you could tell me how to fix it!

[2022.10.14-20.32.42:791][196]LogOutputDevice: Error: === Handled ensure: ===
[2022.10.14-20.32.42:791][196]LogOutputDevice: Error: 
[2022.10.14-20.32.42:791][196]LogOutputDevice: Error: Ensure condition failed: PrecompiledData->FindDataID(this).IsValid() [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/MovieScene/Private/MovieSceneSequence.cpp] [Line: 67]
[2022.10.14-20.32.42:791][196]LogOutputDevice: Error: No precompiled movie scene data is present for sequence 'Sequence'. This should have been generated and saved during cook.