Enlarge a static mesh

I need to enlarge a cube inside a blueprint, when interact with a collision box.
I created a blueprint actor with a static mesh (a cube) and when interact with collision box, i used a “set world scale 3d” (for static mesh). It work but result is very bad, because the dimension change is immediate. There is a way to make this transition linear in time (eg, for 3 second)? Outside from blueprint i can use level sequence, but in a blueprint…?

Use a timeline.

Thanx for answer. A question: what is the yellow output (0-1) in timeline (and how can i get in my timeline…)?

Double click the timeline node:

OMG… Previuosly i tried many many many time to obtain that, with no result, and the solution are so simply…

Thx, no work as i need!